The Little Felt Sheep

The Little Felt Sheep is a set of sewing patterns & instructions for a hand-sewing project. The steps for making this fluffy creature are straight forward, and the project involves only a few basic hand stitches.

When I think of sheep, it is their fluffiness that comes to mind first and foremost. And it is no wonder that their woolen fleece seems so familiar. Apparently the sheep was one of the first animals to be domesticated in ancient Mesopotamia, and we humans have been benefiting from the warmth of their wool since around 6000 BCE!

I prepared two different versions of the sheep’s fleece for this project. If you like the look of the beige-faced sheep in the images, you can make your sheep with craft fur. If, on the other hand, you prefer the fleece of the black-faced sheep, you can make your sheep with felt and wool roving.

Furthermore, the instructions include two types of eyes for the sheep: the more classic French Knot eyes (the beige-faced sheep) or the more cartoon-like bead eyes (the black-faced sheep). Also, if you decide to make a dark-faced sheep, like the Suffolk sheep, you can add white felt disks under the eyes so that they stand out more.

Of course, once you finish making one Little Felt Sheep, you can make as many more as you wish from the same pattern. After all, a flock is needed to overcome us with sleepiness! One sheep, Two sheep, Three sheep……zzz…

If you like The Little Felt Sheep, you may also like other Little Felt Animals.

I also offer another set of sheep patterns, called The Simply Simple Sheep. This set includes a father sheep, a mother sheep and a little lamb, as shown in the image on the right!

Simply Simple Sheep Sewing Pattern