Beach Art


There is something special about going to the beach.  I love the fact that most beach activities are simple and yet fun for all ages.  I have seen fathers carefully finishing beautiful sand castles, which they started to construct with their toddlers!  I wonder who enjoyed playing with the sand more in the end, the fathers or their kids?

Here is a simple but fun beach activity – making Beach Art.  Start by looking for interestingly shaped objects on the beach, such as pebbles, beach glass, twigs and shells.  Then make simple art with them right there on the beach!


The big nose of the grumpy man in the first photo turned into a cute rabbit monster when the sun started to set!


A stone with a strange texture somehow reminded me of a bird.


A tiny sea dragon is guarding its treasures at the bottom of the sea.


A twig horse is enjoying a trot on the beach.


And of course, I had to make a Muumade cow!

If you have images of your beach creations, feel free to share them at Muumade’s Gallery!